Otanjohbi Omedetoh Gozaimas Anatha..Wish to offer something more..but.. still have my own battle to conquer first before I can break my silent and ...find my way home to you. As for now...though my hand is empty,but my hearts are full of good wishes for you..All I can give you now is the excerpt of the "Ladybirds" by DH Lawrence...passages that always touch my heart which already crowded with the tought of you...
..."Do you come to me..?" he murmured..."
...Do you really come to me?"..he repeated. "But we have no where to go"...
...Listen"he said to her softly, now you are mine. In the dark you are mine. And when you die you are mine.But in the day you are not mine, because I have no power in the day. In the night, in the dark and in death you're mine. And that is forever. No matter if I must leave you. I shall come again from time to time. In the dark you're mine. But in the day I can not claim you, I have no power in the day, and no place to go. So remember. When the darkness comes, I shall always be in the darkness of you...."Don't forget me.Always remember me, I leave my soul in your hand...Don't be afraid.If you have to cry tears, cry them.But in your heart of hearts know that I shall come again and I have taken you for ever...
Tottemo Sabishikatta-wa...
No matter how, the spring will come...hope one day, one fine day, we can see the Sakura blooms together...in the land accross the deepest and bluest ocean where the snow are falling down now.
Jakarta,Dec 2, 2008
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